Indo-European Tripartition

The Indo-Europeans believed (and still act on the basis) that all elements in the universe can be placed in one of three categories or functions, based on their comparative characteristics. The first functions is characterized by mental activity, including thought and speech. The second function is that of action, including all forms of physical force. The third function is the realm of productivity, fertility, regeneration, and wealth. For example, in medicine, three types of approaches were recognized--Chants and spells (the speech activity), surgery (the action activity), and herbs and medicines (from plants -- representing regenerative power).

 These three categories apply at all scales. On the microcosmic level of the individual human, the three categories are present as follows-- the head, as the site of speech and thought; the arms and chest, the site of force and activity; and the belly and genital organs, the site of regeneration and nutrition.

 On a middle "mesocosmic" level, society is divided into classes representing the three functions; priests, warriors, and producers. For example, Plato's ideal republic consists of Philosophers, Guardians, and the Workers. The U.S. Constitution enshrines this functional breakdown in its tripartite Federal government: the preistly Supreme Court (robed figures who sit in a temple and guard the legal mysteries), the Comander-in-Chief, who controls our military force, and Congress, which controls our economy and taxation. The genius of the Constitution includes this aspect of culture--when one "function" acts out of its area of responsibility, citizens feel uncomfortable on both a political and cultural level--reinforcing the proper balance of power between the branches.

On the macrocosmic level, the gods themselves are divided functionally, For example, the ancient Roman trinity of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus represent Sovereignity (an aspect of the priestly power), Warfare, and the Community (quirinos from "Co-viros" the men together), respectively.

 Our current scientific understanding of the properties of our universe fit easily into this scheme of classification. The universe consists of matter (producer), energy (warrior), and information (preistly). The history of the human race may be viewed as an ascension based on the mastery of these realms of the cosmos. The producer era, associated with wealth creation and plant and animal domestication, corresponds to the neolithic agricultural revolution. The warrior era, one of raw physical power, includes the industrial revolution, mass warfare, culminating in the technology of releasing atomic power. The current age, the preistly age, is the "information" age, where the power of the intellect and information is unleashed, as seen in the computer and genetic revolutions.

Below are some representative samples of the trifunctional classifications in Indo-European cultures.

Function Priest Warrior Producer Notes
Colors White Red Green incorporated in many flags
Colors (Secondary) Yellow/Orange Black Blue
Realm of Activity Knowledge Action Fertility/Production
Vedic India
Caste Brahman Kshatriya Vaisna
World (loka) Earth Atmosphere Celestial Sphere
Natural Element Fire Wind Sun 
Direction East South West
Veda Rig Veda Yajur Veda Sama Veda sacred ancient texts
Priest Hotar Adhvaryu Udgatir
Sacrificial Fire Garhapatya Agnidhriya Ahavaniya
Essential Power Splendor Greatness Fame
Body Function Speech Breath Sight
Essential Power brahman ksatra vis
Deity Agni Indra/Vayu Surya/Aditya/Visve Devas
Poetic Meter Gayatri Tristubh Jagati
Ancient Rome
Archaic Trinity Jupiter Mars Quirinus  (co-viros) men together
Major Flamines (Priests) Dialis Martialis Quirinalis
Social Class Patres Equites Plebs
Archaic Assemblies Comitia Calata Comitia Centuriata Comitia Curiata
Ancient Greece
Temptation of Paris Hera Athena Aphrodite
Classes in Plato's Republic Philosophers Warriors Producers
Type of Medicine (Hippocrates) Chants Surgery Herbs
Celtic World
Classes Druids Warriors (Fianna) Bo-arig bo (cow) - arig (freeman)
Estates Church Nobles Townsmen
Religious Martyrdoms White (=exile) Red (=death in battle) Green (=?)
Modern America
Federal Government Supreme Court Commander-in-Chief Congress
Classes in "Planet of the Apes" Orang-Utans Gorillas Chimpanzees
Star Trek Spock Kirk McCoy
Modern Medicine Physician Surgeon Pharmacist

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