Eating Right and Eating Light

All right, the cat's out of the bag. After years of waffling, our household has stopped eating animal parts. Different people arrive at vegetarianism for widely disparate reasons.

Why Vegetarian?
This link and one to The Vegetarian Pages provides lots of information on vegetarianism. A vegetarian diet makes sense for reasons of:
  • Health
  • Ecology
  • Economy
  • Conservation
  • More on that later.

    Why Vegan?
    More radically, cutting out everything of animal origin from the diet can bring additional health, ethical and conservation benefits.

    Why Now?
    Time is running out. It's either now or never. Topsoil loss, heaviest from animal farming, is inexorably removing farmland from production. Population continues to grow. Greenhouse gasses continue to spew. The ozone layer continues to thin. Species are being lost at the rate of 1000 per year.