Pictures Of 77 Sewell Rd., Bloomington, IN

Our Country Property In Indiana

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Looking across the pond in front of our new property in Southern Indiana. What a beautiful place this is! I took this picture in February, 1999, the bleakest time of the year, and the land and pond were still very lovely.

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This is the gravel road leading to the house and garage.

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I'm standing in the meadow on our property.

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Taken from the road over the pond dam towards our house (North). This was Thanksgiving Day, '99.

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This was taken on the road over the pond in July, 1999.

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A panoramic view across the pond to our barn from our neighbor's horse pasture.

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Jewel was learning how to drive Old Babe, our blue tractor.

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Our pond looks like it's on fire some mornings when the air is colder than the water.

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This is a picture of Old Babe with the mower deck attached. Behind is the garage/wood shop and pool.

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This is a shot of the back of our house taken from a trail leading into the woods.

This page created using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

These pictures were taken with a Nikon CP900s digital camera and slightly altered in Photodeluxe.