Pictures from scanner and digital camera.

Misc. pics from scanner and digital camera.

640 x 480
Our former home in Arlington, Va.

512 x 384
My Mom's former car. Now that she no longer drives, Michael uses this vehicle.

384 x 288
Michael's former vehicle. Now used for work on the farm.

226 x 160
This was taken on the day Michael left for college for the first time.

576 x 432
Uncle Gordon Ballard during a visit in March, 2001.

990 x 800
Proud Daddy with newborn daughter, Jewel, who is named after her grandmother. Born: January, 1988.

461 x 346
Jewelie drew this picture a few years ago. I love it!

576 x 432
Uncle Moose (Earl Fleming) on a visit from Minnesota, April 20, 2001.

576 x 432
Earl and Jewel during his visit to our farm in April of 2001.

621 x 1033
The second violin I built. I made this instrument for my wife, Beth, but now Michael uses it on a temporary loan from his mother.

This page created using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

That's all for now. Just testing PhotoPage.