More Photos from the 45th Reunion

Linda Monks Laux and Sharon Stimmerman Lowe
From foreground, clockwise around table: Sharon Johnson Mashanic, Dave Kohler,
Carole Goodwin Kohler, Jan Maslinski Reibson, Gene Reibson, Warren Wenzl, Ann Terwilliger Wenzl
Barb Becraft McPherson (back to camera), Paul Konkus, Gary Dewey, Ken McPherson
Carol Battisti Delucia and Bill Johnson
Carole Goodwin Kohler, Jan Maslinski Reibson, Bernadette Malone McMahon
Paul Konkus and B.J. Mitchell Holleran
Ann Terwilliger Wenzl, Dotti Emmick (Mrs. Rocky), Carole Goodwin Kohler, Sharon Johnson Mashanic