Scots/Doric Language Learning Materials

100-31 Why Scots Matters by J. Derrick McClure, pb ... $15.95
100-32 Guid Scotch Tongue, Murison -- a history and survey of the Scots language ...... Out of Print

Note: Lallands is a form of Scots favored by the litterati.

Scots Dictionaries
100- 41 The Chambers Concise English-Scots Dictionary ed by Mairi Robinson, pb... $30
100-43 Scots-English/English Scots Practical Dictionary by Ross and Smith, pb .... $12.95
100-44 Collins Pocket Reference Scots Dictionary, pb ............... $12.95
100-45 Dictionary of Scots Words & Phrases in Current Use edited by Stevenson pb ..... $11.95

Grammars and Thesauruses
100-46 A Scots Grammar by David Purves, pb ....... $17.95
100-47 Scots Thesaurus .................... $32.95

Doric -- the Scots tongue of the Northeast (Aberdeenshire)
100-61 Scottish[Doric]-English/English-Scottish [Doric] Concise Dictionary
by Kynoch, pb ................ $12.95
100-62 Teach Yourself Doric, A Course for Beginners
by Douglas Kynoch, pb ............ $12.95

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