Tell me what you think about my homepage...

QUICK COMMENTS (short form)

Your Name:

Your email address:
Click the SEND button at the bottom of the survey to submit your response.

WEB SURVEY (a little longer)

How did you first locate this homepage?:
Which web browser do you use?:

What kind of computer do you use?:

What operating system do you use?: 

Your internet access speed is:

I am a(n): (check all that apply)
broadcaster shortwave listener amateur radio operator audiophile curious soul none of the above none of your darned business!

What did you think of my homepage:
awesome! neat good OK (does NOT suck) sucks I won't be back...

Do you actually read this stuff?:

Do you think the content level is: 

What aspect or feature of this site did you enjoy most?: 
What did you least enjoy?:
What other kinds of information you would like to see added?: 

How many times have you visited?: 

Will you return?: 

 How would you describe your familiarity with the world wide web?(select one)
 recent convert
 online for over 6 months
 online for over a year
 web geek
 web guru 

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey!
Click the send button to submit form.