Mandy's Home Page (

Welcome to the home page of my new daughter, Amanda Marie Quarantillo (AKA Mandy). This page is mainly here for the small number of computer literate friends and relatives who would like to get to see her.

Previously mentioned literates have visited this page 11262 times... Isn't she popular? Mandy was born at Georgetown University Medical Center on February 15th at 25 weeks and four days gestation (about 3 1/2 months early). She weighed about one pound and 10 ounces at birth. She was in a hurry to arrive, but her twin brother, Michael managed to procrastinate for a week. This page was last updated Wednesday, 10-Jun-1998 11:37:12 EDT.

Want to send Mandy some e-mail? (Please do, she enjoys mail.)  Click Here!

What happened to the birth announcement? Where are the cute shots of Michael and Mandy together? Visit the Q Twins' home page.

latest photo
Mandy, 11/97 (21mos old, ~18mos old corrected age).

For those of you who are tired of loading the same old photos over and over, Mandy's page now has thumbnails. If you want to see a larger image, click on the small image.

latest photo
Mandy, 3/97 (13mos old, ~10mos old corrected age).
mandy photos
Mandy, 11/96 (8mos old, ~5mos old corrected age).
mandy photos
Mandy at one day old. For reference, her name is written on a 3x5 index card.
mandy photos
She likes to sprawl.
mandy photos
Mandy with her nurse holding her hand.
mandy photos
Mandy and her daddy (me).
mandy foot
Mandy's right footprint.
mandy photos
A close-up of Mandy at 4 weeks old.
mandy photos
Mandy's pissed at her daddy for taking this shot of her with an IV in her head.
mandy photos
A nice shot of Mandy sleeping.
mandy photos
Mandy and her bunny (Mandy still likes to sprawl).
mandy photos
Mandy likes to play dress up.
mandy photos
Mandy still playing dress up.
mandy photos
Mandy checking out daddy's finger, 'looks tasty'.
mandy photos
Mandy with her Mommy.

My "little" brother Michael's Page

Q Twins' Page

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