These are links and discussions of what I'm up to musically.
CDnow FastFind
If you know me, or have looked at this page before, you might have noticed
that I'm heavy into the Presidents of the United States of America (PUSA).
Recently my brother loaned me an old Yamaha Acoustic guitar for me to knock
around on. Well, I was doing ok on the thing, but not getting very
far. Then one day I went to a music store and purchased songbooks
for PUSA's first two CD's. The music shows the guitars, as played
by PUSA, with string deficiencies and non-standard tuning. Well,
that night I yanked 3 strings off of the old flattop, and there it was,
an official 'GuitBass'. After a few weeks of this I was ready for
the real thing. I quickly found out that electric guitars were not
cheap. After scouring a few local music shops and even a few pawn
shops, I found the place for me: Atomic
Music in College Park, MD. This place has around 300 guitars
ranging from around $100 on up, all used. I took a few laps around
the place and found the Guitar for me.
is a Squier II, (by Fender) Stratocaster, made in Korea. Now most
real guitar players probably wouldnt even consider this guitar even suitable
for smashing onstage, but I had to keep things inexpensive. It is
in great shape, the neck feels nice, but as far as Stratocaster goes, it
is a little odd. It has the proper body and neck shape, the neck
is a one piece maple, and the body appears to be (ugh) fiberglass? over
plywood. It has what Fender calls the 'Carved Top Strat' look (except
no wood grain, just solid red body). That is, no pickguard, and two
single coil pickups (neck and center) and a humbucker pickup at the bridge.
The knobs are the chrome dome type normally found on Telecasters.
It makes a great Guitbass though. I'm busy working my way through my favorites
from PUSA's first CD ("Dune Buggy", "Peaches", "Feather Pluckin") and am
trying to figure out "Video Killed the Radio Star" (this one isn't in either
of my trusted music books).
This CD seems to be on everyone's top list, I think it is good, but not the best. So far it has not really piqued my interest. Perhaps I'll have to try again soon.
Well, he's back, but I think he should have stayed away. I used
to think that you could count on Clapton for something good, but not so.
Granted the music is OK, and he really gets bluesy but....
Get rid of the damn drum machine! And wake up!!!!! This
CD puts me to sleep. The biggest disappointment for me was the remake/ruining
of "Circus." If you saw the MTV Unplugged video, you heard a good
version of this song. It is a very moving song that is based in Clapton's
loss of his son. The version on Pilgrim has no soul.