Welcome to The Presidents of the United States of America Anonymous (PUSA Anonymous or PUSAA for short).  Do you know who the hell we are?  Well in case you don't this is an international collection of people who have an addiction to The Presidents of  the United States of America.  Some have not admitted it, but we all suffer varying degrees of this addiction.  The first step to admitting this addiction is to join the mailing list that allows us to keep up on all sorts of things.

Click to Subscribe to the PUSA Mailing List.

Joining is pretty easy.  If you have problems, e-mail me.   WOW its been since December 1997 when PUSA broke up, but they are BACK!!!!.  We do get some pretty good threads going, and we are a pretty friendly bunch, so join on in.  We've been joking about this collection of geeks that we are, and numerous suggestions of webpages have been made, so here it is!  If you feel I have misrepresented you, or wish to have yourself removed, e-mail me.  We are now on our third (well actually fourth, if you count the impromptu reply-to thingy) list so stay alert, you never know when we'll move again. I added all the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and  ICQ information, but some list members have requested that I post a file that you can load all of us into AIM.  Download that sucker, and choose load buddy file, and you will have a new group called PUSAA, with (hopefully) all on the list who have AIM.  As usual, e-mail me if i've made a mistake.  If you don't have AIM go here to get it or if you want, you could try the 2.0 beta release of AIM (both are free).

This page has been accessed 26638 times since its inception June 1, 1998.  And was last modified Monday, 24-Sep-2012 10:06:03 EDT.

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Ouch!!!!  They've shut down OLGA (On-Line Guitar Archive).  Click the Blue Treble Clef button to find out about how you can help.

Below is a list of the PUSAA (in no particular order.)

Me -  Creator of this page.  I'm fairly new to this crew, but enjoy the company.  I finally got a new photo!   This is a shot of me rocking out with the guys in FOG.  Visit the brand new FOG homepageTell me how much you hate this photo!  Visit my homepage, or my music page (some PUSA reviews etc.)
ICQ: 16320683
ICQ nick:  jaq
AIM:  Mach5jaq

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Synch - Above is a new picture!  It is far too serious,  go here to see the real Synchy.   Synch runs a daily riddle mailing list.  It's basically a list where he sends out a riddle everyday and it is a competition to see who answers quickest and correctly. The page explains it...  Check it out!  Or send him some mail and ask him about it.
ICQ: 8836559
ICQ nick:  Synch
AIM:  SynchTW

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King Adam.  King of lots of things... including keeping his image a secret!  Tell him you want to see him!!!
AIM:  KingAdam44

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Insane Ian.  Lord of lots of things... (most especially the PUSA DISCOGRAPHY! and the PUSA Tribute.)  This fabulous (newly updated) photo was taken while "Crotch (his band) was on hiatus"??.    I used this one because it had a pretty good view of his PUSA T-shirt.  Just be happy I didn't force you to see the riddler picture.  I'm beginning to think there might be some merit to the "Insane" part of Ian's moniker.   Tell him what you think.
AIM:  ALfan17

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Matt H. - he's the youngest of the bunch, at least he's the one who has admitted to being the youngest.  Above is a self portrait of Matt "in his PUSA shirt!"  He is self described as: "I'm actually a 5'7 120 pnd 13yr old. Brown hair. Emerica shoes. Big clothes. Dispises rap and country. Musical likes punk, rock, techno, ska and reggae. Wears a hat almost always. Wears pusa shirt a lot.  ...PUSA saved me from liking rap (shudder)...Good enough description?"

He's got a pretty extensive webpage but no photos :(  plus he plays in a band: "Feedback."  Send him some mail.
ICQ: 5082583
ICQ nick:  Matt  (thats Matt with one space in front!)

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sPiDEr-SKateR/Calvin Hobbes/Prophet Wolf  (and I thought Kyto/Ron had lots of identities)

A new description  - In his own words ----

"A complete twit and a right bastard, as he calls himself, sPiDEr keeps his identity hidden, and thinks of himself as the neurotic, enigmatic guy sitting in the back talking to himself.

He's Punk, He's Funk, He's Jazz, He's Ska, proving he has a broad range of interests in music, but when he doesn't like something, the Judgement FLOWS like a river. Blaming himself for the disruption and destruction of the original Froglist, and being totally pissed off at the slow, boring trivial crap piling through the OneList, he resigned, but not before leaving behind his final thoughts.

SKateR had a site on GeoCities, but because of the new TOS, he's moved it to http://punkwankers.homepage.com/, and supposedly has a big surprise in store soon. His Wereself is still around, hanging out on MU*s, and he'll find a web page to fit all of that insanity in soon.

For any more info or ICQ/AIM info, E-Mail the Psycho."

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Jon Lambert - A PUSA freak from Canada!  (That's him with the guitar.)  Learn all about Jon and his band - Five Year Plan at his homepage.  Send Jon some  mail.
ICQ: 4754717
ICQ nick: Akbar

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Dom Alessio aka "Tiki God" - A PUSA freak from OZ (Australia that is).  Hey folks...Dom grew up and got a job at a radio station!!! How cool is that? Only trouble is, he left PUSA out of his "Evolutionary Influences." Go check him out here.
ICQ: 3139275
ICQ nick: Inhuman Nature
AIM: TikiGod8

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Kyto McMillan - From what I can tell, a rather enigmatic character.  Has many aliases and personalities.  Says his 'net access is going away soon, do don't know if you can send him any mail either here or  here. He had a home page here.  He also created Los Presidents Rocos the best/only source of PUSA MP3's out there.
ICQ: 1701028
ICQ nick: Heavy
AIM: Kyto McMil

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Mike Lyon - Creator of 30 Foot Smurfs another awesome PUSA page.  Mike has this to say about himself:

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Chris Churchill - Another UK PUSAA dude.  He's got a trading page going here. Mail him if you want to get in on the trading.

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Crockpot - Dan Crockett (in his own words):  "I live in Tempe, Arizona and I'm 16. I've been a PUSA fan since they sneak preview played the whole self titled CD on a local radio station a month or two before it even came out. Once I heard the rough, unconventional lyrics of Kitty, I was hooked!!! I've loved PUSA ever since."

He has a music auction thingy going.  Click here to check it out, or go to Dan's Homepage ,or go straight to Dan's PUSA page or send him some mail.
AIM: Crockpot23

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The self-proclaimed man-duck!?!?!  He can be visited here.   If you wanna mail the duck, click here.  If you think that the above picture is a little blurry, click here to see a different picture.  If this is the wrong PUSA-loving duck, try the other one.
ICQ:  14834824
ICQ nick:  Nosedive

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Alex is another UK PUSA freak with a great page click here to go to the Back Porch.
In Alex's own words:
"I’m quite an obsessive PUSA fan and (to use an Ezra phrase) an internet Junkie.  I’ve been a fan of the band for a long time now and I hope that my page helps other fans from around the world to enjoy the Presidents wonderful music and unique way of thinking more than ever.

On a more personal note, I am a 17 year old male from London, England. Feel free to mail me at a-malloy@dircon.co.uk and talk about the interesting weather conditions in your part of the world.  I’d absolutely love to hear from you all!"
ICQ:  13310217
ICQ nick:  NoodleNut

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Jayne (the list'er known as Peace8315)- Caused a bit of confusion lately by making some unspecific gender comments and having a non-gender e-mail address.  I don't blame her for keeping quiet and being ambiguous what with the bunch of (mostly male) geeks that we are.  Well she has cleared all that up by sending the above pic.  She sent me a quote to put up: "No Music. No Life."  I'd have to agree with that one, life would indeed suck without music.  You can e-mail her here!
AIM: Peace8315

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Sure the internet is rife with pictures of peoples' kids and other "home movie" kinda crap that is enough to cure most insomniacs, but here they are the youngest PUSA fans on the planet.  These are my twins,Michael and Mandy.  They were maybe around one year old when this photo was taken (they are two now), but if you look closely at the big photo, and you'll recognize Mt. Rushmore in the background!  Yes, my kids are ROKing out to PUSA "Carved in Rock".  Michael is the one who is glued to the TV, Mandy is on the left hamming it up for the camera.  Michael already has a toy guitar, and he's good at strumming while daddy makes chords.  His favorite PUSA song is "Lump", Mandy is big on "Dune Buggy" although she likes the "one, two, three, four..." stuff in "Lunatic to Love".  To the right is an official Chris Ballew autograph for them!
See Daddy for contact info

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Yoda - He's Tom and he's from New York (USA).  Here's his PUSA page.   Here's his homepage. Mail him and tell him what you think about the new picture!
Tom describes himself in so many words:

ICQ: 43265732
ICQ nick: Yoda1128
AIM: Yoda1128

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Adam Tyner.  He's attending Clemson University in South Carolina (USA).  If you like, check out his band Bereft.  He's one of the regular contributors to the ongoing discussions.  Here's his home page.  Send him some mail.

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PUSAA's newest member - Mike, AKA "Felix the Cat", AKA "KayRock29".  Send him some mail.  Here's his bio, in his own words:

ICQ: 16365527
ICQ nick: KayRock29
AIM: KayRock29

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Mark/Znoopy - Mark says this about himself.

Send him some mail and ask him what he looks like, or where he got his nickname.
ICQ: 1399777
ICQ nick: Znoopy

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ExecDuck/Tony - We now have two ducks.  The other duck is here.  This duck is Tony.  Tony says this about himself.

He's got a fledgling software company, go check it out.  Send him some mail and say hello.

ICQ: 5119881
ICQ nick: Tony
AIM: execduck

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Turkey Boy - (Or "The Artist Currently Known as Turkey Boy")  A long-standing tradition in the PUSA community, recently added to this page.  Go to his homepage, follow the all about me link and learn more than you ever wanted to know about him. Email him and let him know you think he answered too many questions.

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Dave P. -
location : Essex, England
My Band : bo weevil are a melodic punk band, have been established 6 years, but only about 2 with the current line up.  Check it out at The House of the Weevil
* My Terrible PUSA Site *

I have all the PUSA stuff I can get my hands on, my favourite album is the self titled debut, I also love the giraffes first CD! I'm THE biggest PUSA fan in Essex, I'll put money on it!

AIM: TikiGod19

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I'm getting too tired to finish. Sorry if I left you out, I'll get the rest later.  Send me some info, and I'll put it up.

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