A Few Books I've Enjoyed Reading

These are some book reviews of books I've enjoyed reading in the past few years. Feel free to repost or reprint anywhere.

Shared Minds: The New Technologies of Collaboration, by Michael Schrage.

Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing, by Michael Heim.

Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization, by Lee Sproull and Sara Kiesler.

Growing Up Creative: Nurturing a Lifetime of Creativity, by Dr. Teresa M. Amabile.

The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, by Brenda Laurel, editor.

The Internet Business Guide: Riding the Information Superhighway to Profit, by Rosalind Resnick and Dave Taylor.

The Ultimate Unofficial Carmen Sandiego Companion, by Corey Sandler and Tom Badgett.

Source Book for Creative Problem Solving: A Fifty Year Digest of Proven Innovation Processes, by Sidney J. Parnes, editor.

Doing Business on the Internet: How the Electronic Highway is Transforming American Companies, by Mary J. Cronin.

The Everyday Genius: Restoring Children's Natural Joy of Learning - And Yours Too, by Peter Kline.

School's Out: Hyperlearning, The New Technology, and the End of Education, by Lewis J. Perelman.

The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer, by Michael Moritz

And here is a list of a books I've enjoyed reading recently.

I'm a big fan of public libraries and urge all book lovers to join the Friends of the Library group for their local neighborhood library. To help people in my neighborhood learn more about the local Friends of the Library group, here's a web page I built for the Friends of Chevy Chase DC Library.

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