This song has been uploaded to several different webservers to better distribute the load from the number of people who will be viewing and hearing it. Kindly click on a random "mirror site" below. The song is available in the following formats QuickTime, Flash and Ogg Vorbis. You can create and listen to Ogg Vorbis files using a no-cost program named Audacity.
Ogg Vorbis is an open standard which is preferred over MP3, which has patents associated with it. I favor audio being distributed in Ogg Vorbis format. (Thanks, RMS.)
Writers for Literacy (Ogg Vorbis format)
Dotmac (Ogg Vorbis format)
Writers for Literacy (QuickTime)
Writers for Literacy (Flash) (Viewable by GNU/Linux, Macintosh and Windows computers)
Gracombe (Flash) (Viewable by GNU/Linux, Macintosh and Windows computers) (Viewable by GNU/Linux, Macintosh and Windows computers) (QuickTime)
MacMaps (QuickTime)
ABalakersky (Quicktime>
ABalakersky (Flash) (QuickTime streaming server version) (QuickTime non-streaming version)
Ourplace (Flash) (Viewable by GNU/Linux, Macintosh and Windows computers)
Ourplace (QuickTime)
I'm still accepting mirrors from anyone who would like to help.
Yes, I know I should be using BitTorrent.