Gallery of 1852 US Coins
Below you will find a set of small, compressed images of United States coinage of 1852.
Please see also the page 1852! for some different images plus
historical facts about that fascinating year. I hope you enjoy viewing my small collection.
For further information, and to submit comments and suggestions:
This page has been accessed 39609
times since April 1999. It was last modified Thursday, 27-Sep-2001 18:56:26 EDT.
Large cent --- mintage ~5.1 million
Three-cent piece ("trime") --- mintage ~19 million
Half dime --- mintage ~1.0 million
Dime --- mintage ~1.5 million
Quarter dollar --- mintage ~180 thousand
Half dollar (New Orleans) --- mintage ~140 thousand
California half dollar gold token --- mintage unknown
Gold dollar --- mintage ~2.0 million
Quarter eagle ($2.50 gold piece) --- mintage ~1.2 million
Quarter eagle (New Orleans) --- mintage ~140 thousand
Half eagle ($5 gold piece) --- mintage ~570 thousand
Eagle ($10 gold piece) --- mintage ~260 thousand
Double eagle ($20 gold piece) --- mintage ~2.1 million