Hi! Come in-- While Time Remains! My Picture

After an early life of profligacy and "passing the Buck", I see the final station on this journey approaching and find myself intent on both extending the ride for as long as possible and on contributing what I can to letting the world keep on being a safe, supportive home for all living things.

Saving the Earth
Does the Earth need saving? In posing the question that way, am I in danger of continuing down the "Humans have a Divine mandate to conquer and husband the Earth" blind alley which has helped get us here? How, we might wonder, did the Earth ever get along before we arrived?
Eating Right
Turns out food production, including the disposal of wastes therefrom, is a major (if not the major) impact of humans on the Earth. Besides, many medical problems result from prevailing diets. Then again, some are choosing to cause as little discomfort to other beings as possible.

Computer Technology
The divine dilemma: Technological advances are the parents of many of Gaia's greatest enemies, yet technology has provided me with this soapbox. Are humans smart enough to pick good technology and discard the rest, or should we take Pol Pot's route and murder everyone who uses technology? Our past certainly doesn't provide a clear answer....
The Bookstore

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