The Whole Truth About Ice on the Moon

There have been so many different conflicting reports about ice on the moon since the story broke last week that I thought it would be a useful to circulate information dispelling some of the myths surrounding this news story. My source for this information is a radio broadcast press conference with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin that I heard late last night. When the press conference came on the radio I happened to be surfing the web, so I immediately switched over to my word processor to take notes from the interview. The following is a reconstruction of the comments that were made during this interview.

Interestingly enough, the normally reserved and subdued astronauts seemed quite a bit more boisterous than usual during the interview.

Transcript from radio broadcast

The whole story about the seldom heard tale of the acorn the Apollo 11 astronauts took to the moon.

MacroMedia Director presentation telling the true story about the acorn the astronauts took to the moon. (For Macintosh computers.) This is a 3.4 megabyte file that takes about 16 minutes to download at 28.8 bits-per-second and 32 minutes at 14. bits-per-second. This Director presentation includes lots of hidden buttons producing whimsically comical animations. Story by Phil Shapiro. Marcomedia Director creation by Gary Dauphin. Artwork by Maria Lyles.

News Update

This web page was originally set up late at night on Thurs., December 5th. I set it up knowing that in the week following the breaking news story thousands and thousands of scientific researchers and newspaper reporters would be searching Alta Vista for "ice on the moon." I wanted to make sure these fine folks would find a more lighthearted look at the subject.

Interestingly enough, the day after I posted this web page I received a phone call from a reporter at the Orange County Register newspaper (in southern California) asking for reprint permission of the interview of Armstrong and Aldrin. Apparently this newspaper has been doing a series of interviews with Buzz Aldrin and they wanted to include some humor as a sidebar to one of the interviews they'll be printing next week.

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