Sean's Home Page ... CD and Concert Reviews


Welcome, music lovers, to my music review web site. For all you newcomers to this site, this page is dedicated to all the hard working bands and musicians that are out there in the big towns, the small towns, the unheard of cities and those tiny suburbs. There is a lot of great music in this small world of ours, and I want everyone to hear it all. So, I've designed this page as sort of a free advertising area for those bands that would love the exposure. Over the past few years that this page has been up, I've reviewed dozens and dozens of CDs, covering areas from my local area, Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia, even all the way out West in Oregon and Utah. One of my first reviews of a CD sent to me actually was an artist from Canada, Bif Naked, and is now a national act! She has played in the DC area 3 times in the last few years.

Now, for the regulars of this page... Yes, Im finally doing it!! I'm working on this page after such a long hiatus!! See, you guys, all that constant bugging finally paid off. Since the last update, a ton of bands have come to my attention, and I have a huge stack of cd's on my work desk that readers have sent me, and I plan on doing reviews of EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even, my little brother has gotten into the act. He just moved across the country to Wyoming, and he stopped in about five different states along the way. So, I told him to go into a local music store and buy a cd from a good local band. Those cd's are on my pile as well, and will be reviewed shortly. I am now going to attempt to give a brief preview of what is to come on the Music Pages. After a long, long wait, and years and years of touring the DC area and beyond,UNCLE CHUNKY has finally released their debut cd. ANNIE SIDLEY has released her sophomore recording, and I'm so glad to have the pleasure of knowing her, and seeing her when I did. Ive been sworn to secrecy, but EVERYONE will be hearing her within the next year. The next two bands are my favorite recent discoveries. The first is the ever so funky DEXTER'S SANDBOX. A great band with an awesome sound, and killer chemistry between them. The second band, well, I stumbled upon a flyer at a jazz show at JAXX in Virginia. It said "Progressive Rock With Female Vocals". The band is called BRAVE and Ive been watching them closely for almost 2 years now and, I just can't get enough of them. A few years ago, they released three cd's under the name "Arise From Thorns", and have since transformed into BRAVE with a 2000/01 EP release "Waiste Deep in Dark Waters". Now, July 2002 has brought forth the full length CD release "Searching For The Sun". I was fortunate enough to receive a copy a few months before the actual release, and, I must say, if the new RUSH CD had not been released at the same time as my receiving the BRAVE CD, BRAVE would be the only thing in my cd player to this date. My review will be well worth the wait.

Now, this page is definitely not limited to my area. I would love to hear what
other bands are playing all over the country, and perhaps even farther. If you have
an interest in this, if you have a band or know of a band I should check out,
please email me at the address at the bottom of the page.

JUST ADDED TO THE PAGE, in the NATIONAL REVIEW portion, my latest purchases. They are not just local, but national artists as well. Give it a look. I've started a rating system for it. The $$$$$ Ratings: $= wasted my money, $$= might have some potential, $$$= very good CD, but not without flaws, $$$$= Excellent CD...a must have, $$$$$= Totally incredible...blew my mind on the first listen. Let me know if you too have purchased some of the same CD's and tell me what you think. If you're interested in a review of one of the CDs, or maybe a CD you don't have, but I might, just throw me an email. And, if you are a musician looking for new gear, I work in one of the biggest music stores in the country, Chuck Levins Washington Music Center. So, check out the store, and give me an email if you have any questions.

To check out the rest of the site here, click on one of the four menu buttons below. Let the show begin!

If you have a tape or cd you want me to hear, email me to let me know how to get a copy:
Email me

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Last Updated : Tuesday, 16-Jul-2002 20:11:26 EDT