[32nd Annual Potomac River Shape-Note/Sacred Harp Singing Convention]
(previously known as The Potomac River Sacred Harp Singing Convention)

A traditional and powerful singing of American shape-note hymns, fuging tunes, and anthems
in unaccompanied four-part harmony from The Sacred Harp and The Shenandoah Harmony

Washington, DC metro area: April 6 and 7, 2024

[photo of Sacred Harp and Shenandoah Harmony tunebooks on grass
with fallen cherry blossoms] [leader and singers at 2007 convention]
Photo at left (or above) by Steven Sabol. Photo on right (or below) by Rachel Speer of the 2007 convention at the Great Falls Grange.

Saturday, April 6, 2024:

Sunday, April 7, 2024:

Registration opens at 9:30 am each day.

We will sing from both The Sacred Harp (1991) and The Shenandoah Harmony, open call, during all sessions.

Sunday's location is outdoors and covered; we will sing rain or shine. Local singers, please bring a folding chair if you have one.

All are welcome: beginners, experienced singers, and listeners.

No admission charge -- free-will offering.

Same-day negative Covid test expected. Masks are welcomed, but optional.

Pot-luck dinner 12:30 pm. Local singers, please bring a substantial meal to share each day that you plan to eat lunch at the convention. No electricity at the Sunday location.

Copies of The Sacred Harp (1991 Edition, successor to the Denson Revision) and The Shenandoah Harmony (first published in 2013) will be available for loan and purchase. Please bring these tunebooks if you have them.

2024 Convention Chair, Alexa Silverman; Vice-Chair David Shulman. See Contacts link below.

[photo of Parish Hall of Church of the Ascension, Silver Spring] [photo of Lacey Woods Park picnic shelter]
Left (or above): Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension. Right (or below): Lacey Woods Park rear picnic shelter

Sponsored by [new FSGW logo]

The Convention is announced on Facebook!

[partial score of CLAMANDA from 1859 Sacred Harp]

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